The eighteenth century, says Legouis in A Short
History of English Literature,"viewed as a whole has a distinctive
character." It was "the classical age" in English literature,
and, as such, held and practised some basic principles concerning life and
literature. Even then one should avoid sweeping generalizations/The temptation
to generalize-the eighteenth century particularly-is hard to overcome.
"Few centuries," says George Sherburn in a Literary History of England
edited by Albert C. Baugh, "have with more facility been reduced to a
formula than the eighteenth....Few centuries, to be sure, have demonstrated
more unity of character than superficially considered the eighteenth seems to
have possessed." However, it is fallacious to believe that there is a
clear cleavage between the seventeenth century and the eighteenth. Observes
Sherburn: "The ideas of the later seventeenth century continue into the
eighteenth." At any rate, in the eighteenth century there was the completion
of the reaction against Elizabethan romanticism. This reaction had started in
the seventeenth century with Denham, Waller, and Dryden. Pope and his
contemporaries stood on the other extreme to Elizabethan romanticists and
ushered in "the age of prose and reason," as Matthew Arnold
characterises the eighteenth century. Now, let us see how and how far the
eighteenth century was "an age of prose and reason."
Dominance of Reason:
Pope and his followers give much importance to
reason in their modes of thinking and expressing. Reason may variously manifest
itself as good sense, rationalism, intellect, wit or just dry logicism, but it
is definitely against all excessive emotionalism, sentimentalism, extravagance,
eccentricity, lack of realism, escapism, and even imagination. It is easy to
see that in the eighteenth century reason was exalted to a shibboleth. Cazamian
maintains: "The true source and the real quality of English classicism are
of a psychological nature. Its ideal, its characteristics, its method, all
resolve themselves into a general searching after rationality." This
search which started in the age of Dryden culminated in the age of Pope.
Cazamian maintains in thisconnexion: "One may say that the age of Pope
lives more fully, more spontaneously, at the pitch of that dominant
intellectuality, which during the preceding age was chiefly an irresistible
impulse, a kind of contagious intoxication." This reign of reason and
common sense continued into the middle of the century when new ideas and voices
appeared, and the precursors of the English romantics of the nineteenth century
appeared on the scene. All the important writers of the age-Swift, Pope, and
Dr. Johnson—glorified reason both in their literary and critical work and,
conversely, made unreason and bad sense the recurring targets of their satire.
Swift in the fourth book ofGulliver's Travels, for example, chastises Yahoos
for being creatures of impulse, without reason or common sense. On the other
hand, Houyhnhnms are glorified as tenacious adherents of these qualities. The
satire on Yahoos is. by implication, a satire on the human beings who resemble
them so closely. Thus the fourth book is the most terrible satire on human lack
of good sense and reason.
Imitation of the Ancients:
This glorification of reason also- manifests itself
in the form of the stress laid on the imitation of the "ancients,"
that is, the Greek and Roman writers of antiquity. It was thought contrary to
reason to be led by. one's own impulses and eccentricities and to devise one's
own idiom for expression. Too much of subjectivity was considered irrational.
It was believed that a man should cultivate unrefined and "natural"
taste by subjecting it to the influence of classical writers. Much stress was
laid on controlling and disciplining one's heady feelings and wild imagination
and the personal way of expression with the help of the study of the classics.
We find in this century many translations and adaptations of the classics as
also their "imitations," not to speak of their rich echoes in most
works of the century. The eighteenth century-particularly its first half-is
also called the classical age of English literature on account of two reasons
which W. H. Hudson enumerates as follows:
(i) "...the poets and critics of this age
believed that the works of the writers of classical antiquity (really of the
Latin writers), presented the best of models and the ultimate standards of
literary taste."
(ii) " these Latin writers they had
little faith in the promptings and guidance of individual genius, and much in
laws and rules imposed by the authority of the past."
In 1700 Walsh wrote to Pope: "The best of the
modern poets in all languages are those that have nearest copied the
ancients." Swift in The Battle of the Books showed the supremacy of the
ancients over all the succeeding writers. Walsh's expression copied the
ancients should not lead one to believe that eighteenth-century writers were no
more than copyists and as such are open to the charge of plagiarism. What they
copied was only the good taste and reason of the ancients. Well did Pope
observe: "Those who say our thoughts are not our own because they resemble
the Ancients' may as well say our Faces are not our own because they are like
our Fathers." Thus the ancients were to be respected as guides and models,
not as tyrants. Among the ancients the most respected were the Latin writers of
the Age of Augustus and among them, too, particularly Virgil and Horace. The
one reason why this age is called the Augustan age is this. However, the
English "ancients" like Chaucer and Spenser were not
respected.Addison in his critical poem Account of the Greatest English Poets
observes about The Faerie Queene :
.... But now the mystic tale mat pleased of yore
Can charm an understanding age no more.
Chaucer is dismissed as a "rude
barbarian" who tries in vain to make the readers laugh with his jests in
"unpolished strain." Thomas Rymer savagely criticised Shakespeare.
"First Follow Nature":
A. R. Humphreys observes: "Basically, the
critical injunction which gained the widest, indeed, almost universal,
acceptance was the call to "follow Nature". In the famous lines from
Pope's Essay oh Criticism advice is tendered to writers:
First follow Nature, and your judgement frame By
her just standard, which is still the same : Unerring Nature, still divinely
bright, One clear unchanged, and universal light, Life, force, and beauty, must
to all impart, At once the source, and end, and test of Art.
Pope's "Nature" was not the
"Nature" of the romantics like Wordsworth and Coleridge. The
Augustans were not much interested in forests, flowers, trees, birds, etc.
which inspired poets like Wordsworth. Nor did Pope and his contemporaries mean
by "Nature" that Nature which, td use the words of Louis I. Bredvold,
"Sir Isaac Newton had recently interpreted in terms of mathematical
physics, in his Principia Mathematica (1687); they could hardly have gone to
physics for a literary standard, and they were moreover weH aware that their
concept of Nature antedated Newtefffeyienturies." For them Nature
indicated, what Bredvohtxalls, "a rational and intelligible -moral order
in theliniverse, according to which the various experiences of mankind could be
confidently and properly vahled." Nature to them meant, in the words of A.
R. Humphreys, "the moral course of the world or as ideal truth by which
art should be guided." Man's subjective feelings were thus discreditediand
sacrificed to "tne laws of Nature." As Basil Willey observes in The
Nineteenth-Century Background, "the individual mind was carefully ruled
out of the whole scheme." Even in the field of religion, reason and Nature
ruled the roost. This was the age of the spread of natural religion or Deism
which believed in the existence of God but disbelieved in any revealed
religion, not excepting Christianity. People were also talking
about,"natural morality." The doctrines of the reason-loving Deists
were repudiated by orthodox theologists, not passionately but with reason.
Rules: This eighteenth-century emphasis on Nature
often took the form of the emphasis on the "rules" formulated by the
ancients. These rules were supposed to be of universal applicability. Nature
was the criterion of propriety, and the rules of the ancients were to be
respected as they, in the words of Pope, "are Nature still but Nature
methodised." And further,
Nature like liberty, is but restrained By the same
laws which first herself ordained.
The tendency to adhere to the rules went against
the eccentricities and irrationalities of individual genius. The eighteenth
century was. infact, an age of formalism in ai! spheres-literature
architecture, gardening, and even social etiquette. A critic maintains: 'Just
as a gentleman might not act naturally (that is, in accordance with his
impulses), but must follow exact rules in doffing his hat, or addressing a
lady, or entering a room, or offering his snuff-box to a friend, so the writers
of this age lost individuality and became formal and artificial."
Against Enthusiasm and Imagination:
The adoration of reason naturally implied a keen
distrust of enthusiasm and imagination which could lead a man to -ludicrous
extremes. EighteeBtitcentufyliterature is, onsequently, devoid of the
enthusiasm, elemental passion, mysterious suggestiveness, and heady imagination
which characterize romantic literature. These romantic characteristics were
discredited as they led one to violate Nature. If a writer abandoned himself to
emotions or impulses, or let his imagination run away uncontrolled, the result
could be disastrous for his writing. Sir Richard Blackmore observed in his
"Essay on Epick Poetry" (in -Essays upon Various Subjects) that the
writers of old romances "were seized with an irregular Poetic phrenzy, and
having Decency and Probability in Contempt, fill'd the world with endless
Absurdities." Swift in "Letter to a Young Clergyman" expresses
his distrust of the passionate eloquence of a particular preacher. "I do
not see," says he, "how this talent of moving the passions can be of any
great use towards directing Ghristian men in the conduct of their lives."
In Section IX of Tale of a Tub he scarifies the Puritan enthusiasm by
representing it as wind. Likewise the Earl of Shaftesbury in his Letter
Concerning Enthusiasm (1708) lashes, religious enthusiasm and fanaticism.
The eighteenth century was doubtlessly an age of
great prose, but not of great poetry. When Matthew Arnold-calls it an age of
prose, he suggests that even the poetry of the period was of the nature of
prose, or versified prose. It:is he who observed that Dryden and Pope are
the-classics not of our poetry but of prose. Among the greatest prose writers
of the age are Addison, Steele, and Swift. They took English prose from the
antiquity of Burton, Browne, and others to the balance, clarity, and simplicity
of the modern times. They made prose functional, using it not for impressing
but enlightening the reader. In the field of prose the reaction against
romantic extravagance and involvedness, started by Dryden, was brought to a
logical conclusion by the prose writers of the age of Queen Anne mentioned
In poetry, however, the age has not to show much
excellence. Imagination and passion came to be replaoed by the ideals of
clearness, perspecuity, and beauty of expression. These ideals appear to some
as the ideals of good prose, not good poetry. Regularity, order, and artistic
control are certainly desirable but no substitutes for poetic talent or
inspiration. One may be tempted to ask with Roy Campbell: "They use
snaffle and the curb, all right. But where's the bloody horse?" Comparing
the poetry and prose of the eighteenth century, Long observes: "Now for
the first time we must chronicle the triumph of English prose. A multitude of
practical interests arising from the new social and political conditions
demanded expression not simply in books, but more especially in pamphlets,
magazines, and newspapers. Poetry was inadequate for such a task: hence the
development of prose, of the 'unfettered word' as Dante calls it-a development
which astonishes us by its rapidity and excellence. The graceful elegance of
Addison's essays, the terse vigour of Swift's satires, the artistic finish of
Fielding's novels, the sonorous eloquence of Gibbon's history and of Burke's
orations-these have no parallel in the poetry of the age. Indeed, poetry itself
became prosaic in this respect, and it was used not for the creative works of
imagination but for essays, for satire, for criticism-for exactly the same
practical ends as was prose. The poetry of the first half of the century, as
typified by the work of Pope, is polished and witty enough, but artificial; it
lacks fire, fine feeling, enthusiasm, the glow of the Elizabethan Age and the
moral earnestness of Puritanism. In a word, it interests us as a study of life,
rather than delights or inspires us by its appeal to the imagination. The
variety and excellence of prose works, and the development of a serviceable
prose style, which had been begun by Dryden, until it served to express clearly
every human interest and emotion,-these are the chief literary glories of the
eighteenth century."
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