Suffering means the act of distress, pain, endered. Through the topic, I
want to present the women belonging to Indian middle class, who are brought up
in a traditional, environment and one struggling to liberate themselves and
seek their self-Idnetity and independence in the novels of Shasi Deshpande.
Shashi Deshpande gives minute details of development of girl-child in her
novels. She has displayed a series of girl-children, where each girl faces a
different problem within the family. Violence against women, whether physical,
mental or emotional, is an issue that crosses all borders and all classes of
women. Feminism and its crusade against a male dominated society is of special
importance in the Indian context.
The Indian women has for years been a silent suffers. In novel ‘The
Dark Holds to Terros’ the whole situation in which Sarita has placed
herself is rather unwarranted. The lack of perfect understanding emotions
between husband and wife causes of domestic life, there should be a blend of
acceptance and rejection, flexibility and rigidity and above all revolt if the
occasion demands and compromise for peaceful life. The novel ‘Roots and
Shadows’ projects the educated women who are unable to enfranchise the
traditional background in which they are reared. The cruse of all the
prevailing problems of women are their subjugation which is always present in
the form of silent servitude. In ‘That Lond Silence’, retrieves facts from the
depth of the past to reconstruct the missing links in the chain of women’s
suffering, self-discruery by all means is a mature act, and also a cathartic
one. In ‘The Binding Vine’ Mira’s poems and diaries engage her attention.
Through her dearies Urmila establishes a communion with her and tries to
reconstruct the tragic tale of a sprightly girl. The novel ‘A Matter of Time’
moves beyond feminist concerns in that it raises the existentialist question it
self. The important truth revelaed is that self pety is not answer. It is only
through a process of self examination and self-searching, through courage and
resilence that one can change one’s situation from despair to hope. Shashi
Deshpande among the writers of the present day, the novels highlights the image
of the middle class women sandwiched between tradition and modernity. The topic
has been choosen by me, not only as a student of literature but as a
responsible citizen of India who feels it is him duty to do something for
country. Through the research. I want to present the condition of suffering
women middle class of India.
Shashi Deshpande is an award winning Indian Novelist. She is the second
daughter of famous Kannada dramatist and writer shriranga. She was born in 1938
Karnatak and educated in Bombay and Banglore. She published her first
collection, of short stories in 1978, and her first novel. The Dark
Holds No Terrors in 1980. She is a winner of the Sahitya Akademi
Award, for the novel ‘That Long Silence’ Her works also include
children’s books. Shashi Deshpande’s novels present a social world of mamy
complex relationship. In her novels many men and women living together,
journing across life in their difference age groups, classes and gendered
roles. The old tradition bound world consists with the modern, creating
unferseen gaps and disruptions within the family fold. Women’s understanding
becomes questionable as the old patterns of behaviour no longer seem to be
acceptable. These struggle become in tense of quests for self-definition,
because it would not be possible to relate to others with any degree of
conviction unless one is guided by a clarity about one’s own image and role.
Shashi Deshpande has presented in her novels modern India women’s search
for these definition about the self and society and the relationship that are
central to women. Her Works Novel The Dark Hold No Terrors (1980), If
I die Today (1982), Roots and Shadows (1983), Came
up and Be Dead (1985), That Long Silence (1988), The
Binding Vine (1994) A Matter of Time (1996).
Shashi Deshpande’s Novels deal with the women belonging to Indian middle
class. She deals with the inner world of the Indian women in her novels. She
portrays her heroins in a realistic manner. As ‘The Dark Holds No
Terrors’ the novel reveals the life of Sarita, who is always neglected and
ignored in favour of her brother, she is not given any importance. In ‘Root
and Shadows’ explores the innerself of Indu, who symbolizes the new women,
who are educated and married to Jayant but her feminine instinct for articulation
is suppressed and Mini inculcates in her all the traditional feminine qualities
since her childhood. Akka got married to a man who has much older than her. She
has to tolerate the scathing and bestial sexual advances of her husband. In the
novel ‘That Long Silence’ Shashi Deshpande reveals that Consciousness of
Jaya through an exposition of her mind in the process of thinking, feeling and
reacting to the stimile of the moment and situation. Jaya is not totally a
silent and mute sufferer. In ‘The Binding Vine’ Mira’s poems and diaries engage
her attention.
Urmila esbalishis a communion with her and tries to reconstruct the
tragic tale of a sprightly girls, who suffered and write poems in the solitude
of an unhappy marriage. In the novel ‘A Mater of Time’ is an exploration
of a woman’s inner life. Kalyani’s fears are based on patriarchal oppression
that condemns women to the margins of silence. She is made to realise that
while losing her son, a male hair. Sumi like her mother, is a suffering
oppressed and wronged woman. Yet she does not question the man; her oppressor.
Shashi Deshpande is one of the famous contemporary Indian novelists in
English. Basically she writes about the situation of women and their failures
in the fast chaning socio-economic milieu of India. She writes about the
conflict between tradition and modernity in relation to women in middle class
society. In the novel ‘The Dark Holds No Terrors’ all the characterstics
are intextricably blended in Saru who represents a reaction of society. Saru is
brought up in a traditional atmosphere but the education she receiver makes her
a changed person with a rebelleous attitude towards tradition. In ‘Rosts and
Shadow’ through the character fo Indu, who is educated and who lives in
close association with society, brushing aside all narrow social conventions.
Akka the strict and disapproving matriarch of the family. In the novel ‘That
Lond Silence’ through the character of Jaya, who adjusts and accomnodates
unlike the modern women who themselves “forced into the background by the
claims of culture” and hence they adopt “an inimical attitude towards it”. She
is not the structurally patterned woman of the traditional Indian society. In
the novel ‘The Binding Vine’ Normally Urmila’s meeting with Shakeitai would not
have happened as shakeitai belongs to a different strata of society. In ‘A
Matter of Time’ is a focus of social control, and the site of violence,
exclusion and abouse. Aru asks Gopal “why did you get married at all, why did
you have children. The whole novel us devoted to silent, brooding women,
unhappy, yet lively clinging to their past, yet living in the present society.
Shashi Deshpande’s novel deals with the theme of the quest for a female
identity. The complexities of man-woman relationship specially in the context
of marriage, the trauma of a disturbed adolescence. The Indian woman has for
years been a silent suffer. While she has played different roles-as a wife,
mother, sister and daughter, she has never been able to claim her own individuallity.
In the novel ‘The Dark Holds No Terrors’ Manohar’s male ego tries to
dominate Sarita which ultimate results in disintegration, that Sarita is an
individual not a dependent but a being capable of with standing trials in life
alone. Her identity is no longer been in terms of the identify of her male
counterpart. In ‘Roots and Shadwos’, Indu accepts that she throttled her
desires not because of Jayant’s pressure but because it was her own decision
with which she had given her identity. Akk too has to endure and submit to
insults, injuries and humiliations with a stoic patience and never camplain. In
‘That Long Silence’, Jaya is being renamed as suhasine after her
marriage is not a care of the loss of identity. In ‘The Binding Vine’,
Urmila understands that even as a child, Mira has hated the way her mother has
been surrendering herself to her husband and ever she has not herself identity.
In ‘A Matter of Time’ It is here that in a flash Kalyani realizes that Gopal
and she must now move an alone and she reconciles herself to their separation.
Kalyani who emerges as the most powerful character in the novel. Here is a
pitiable story, but one of deep endurance and strength.
Shashi Deshpande to project the fact tales about women, who speaking for
herself or for the whole of womankind is quite different from a man telling a
woman’s tale. This paper of minitries to bring out this idea of woman
explicating herself and emerging out of the cocoon of self pity to spread her
wings of self-confidence, as present in some silent writings of Shashi
Deshpande. In the novel ‘The Dark Hold No Terrors’, Sarita achieved
position and the ascribed position of her husband. The financial ascendance of
Sarita, renders manother less significant and important. But his action at
nights terrifies and humiliates saru. In ‘Root and Shadow’, Akka’s
desire to educate her was not because of giving her on independent stand but
because she feels that educated girls get a good match and Indu experiences
disillusionment in sex and suffers a silent sexual humiliation. In ‘That
Long Silence’ Jaya cames to recognise herself as a failed writer because
when she had continued writing, her stories had been rejected for lack of
genuine feelings which she had laid aside. After all she cames to accept
herself as a failed writer and so she depends of her husband. We see in the
novel ‘The Binding Vine Urmila is one who is ahead of her
predeccessors by her endeavours to help other women. Often referred to is Uomi.
She is an upper middle class carrier woman. Anu Consequently has became mighty
sensitive to the suffering and despair of others. In the ‘A Matter of Time’
is a composite study in human relationship. The most striking example of
silence is Kalyani who spents nearly forty years in total silence with her
husband, Shripati but all women’s depended of the themselves.
Shashi Deshpande an eminent novelist has emerged as a writer possessing
deep insight into the female psyche. Focussing on the marital relation she seek
to expose the tradition by which a woman is trained to play her subservient
role in the family. Her novels reveals the man-made patriarchal traditions and
uneasiness of the modern Indian woman in being a part of them. Shashi Deshpande
uses this point of view of present social reality as at is experienced by
women. To present the world of mothers, daughters and wives is also to present
indirectly the fathers, sons and husbands the relation between men and womaan,
and between women themselves. Her young heroines rebel against the traditional
way of life and patriatrchal values. The words which we always associate with
what we consider to be the concept of an ideal woman are, self-denial,
sacrifice, patience, devotion and silent suffering. As in the ‘The Dark Hold
No Terror’, the life of Sarita who is always neglected and ignored. ‘Roots
and Shadow’ explores the innerself of Indu, Mini, and Akka and Shashi Deshpande
Shows the ‘That Long Silence’, Jaya is not a silent and make sufferer.
In ‘The Binding Vine’ Mira has hated the way her mother has been surrendering
herself to her husband and ever she has not herself identity. In the ‘A
Matter of Time’ is an exploration of Kalyani, Sumi and her daughters Aru.
Shadhi Deshpande’s fiction is an example of the ways in which a girl child’s
particular position, social reality and identity and psychological growth
determine her personality.
Primary Source
Works of Shashi Deshpande Novels
Deshpande, Shashi, The Dark Holds NO Terrors: A Novel, New Delhi: Penguin
Books, 1990.
If I die Today. New Delhi: Vikas
Publishing Housing, 1982. New Delhi Tarang Paperbacks, 1982.
Come up and Be Dead. New Delhi, Viaks
Publishing House, 1983.
Roots and Shadows: A Novel Bombay:
Sangam Books, 1983. New Delhi: Orient Longman, 1983.
That Long Silence, London: Virago,
1988. New Delhi: Disha Books, 1992. 2nd ed. New Delhi Penguin Books, 1980.
Binding Vines. London: Virago, 1992,
A Matter of Time. Delhi Renguin
Books 1996.
Secondary Socrces:
Critical Wroks
Barche, G.D. “Indu: Another Sisyphus in
Roots an Shadows” Dhawan Indian Woman Novelists set I. Vol. 5. 111-18. Bhavani,
“Is Shashi Deshpande a Feminist”
Literary Journal (Stella Maris College, Madras 1992-93: 24-29.
King, Adeli, “Shashi Deshpnade:
Portraits of an Indian Woman” Kirpal The New Indian Novel in English 159-68.
Naryan. Shyamala A. Shashi Deshpande:
“Contemporary Novelists 5th ed. 1991. 241-42.
Pathak, R.S. (ed.) The Fiction of
Shashi D. New Delhi Creative Books, 1997.
Sathupati, Prasanasree “Conflict and
identity in Shashi Deshpande Novels Dhawan. Indian Woman ovelist Set III. Vol
4. 12-19.
Suneel Seema. Man-Woman Relationship in
Indian Fiction. New Delhi: Prestige Books. 1995.
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