Saturday, 31 January 2015

Character of Antony

Dryden chose Antony as the Hero of this Heroic play. In the preface he writes, "The death of Antony and Cleopatra is a subject which represents unlawful love". The story of Antony and Cleopatra was very popular with the dramatists of the time. Dryden's play is based on Shakespeare's  Antony and Cleopatra. Antony is a man of passions and he yields himself to the intoxication of love. Ventidius tries to inject into him a feeling for honour, but he cannot keep him at it long. Octavia brings him fair terms from her brother. Octavia says:
                         I'll tell my brother we are- reconciled;

There appears a conflict in Antony. He feels like surrendering to Octavia. We feel pity for Octavia, but there is more pity for Cleopatra. Antony is filled with jealously. When he knows that Dolabella sent by him, was making love to her. The result is the final break off between Antony and Octavia. He resumes fighting with Octavious. Antony thinks that he has been betrayed by Cleopatra:
                         Ungrateful Women!
                         Who followed me, but as the swallow- summer,
                         But now my winter comes, she spreads her wings,
                         And seeks the spring of Caesar.

Antony could not keep himself away from Cleopatra. The dialogue between Ventidius and Antony throws light on his character:
                          Antony: I will not fight, there is - more work for war
                          Venti: Caesar  is at your gates.
                          Ant. Why, let him enter.

The theme of the Heroic play is contest between love and honour. The sentiment of honour in him seems to slumbering. It is awakened by Ventidius now and then. He is going to die to a Roman. He throws himself upon his sword but it misses his heart. Now a reconciliation is patched up between him and Cleopatra.

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