to George Orwell, the biggest problem with Dickens is that he simply doesn't
know when to stop. Every sentence seems to be on the point of curling into a
joke; characters are forever spawning a host of eccentric offspring. "His
imagination overwhelms everything," Orwell sniffed, "like a kind of

hardly an accusation that could be levelled against Great Expectations. If some
of Dickens's novels sprawl luxuriously across the page, this one is as trim as
a whippet. Touch any part of it and the whole structure quivers into life. In
Chapter 1, for example, Pip recalls watching Magwitch pick his way through the
graveyard brambles, "as if he were eluding the hands of the dead people,
stretching up cautiously out of their graves, to get a twist upon his ankle and
pull him in". Not until the final chapters do we realise why Pip is so
haunted by the convict's apparent reluctance to stay above ground, but already
the novel's key narrative method has been established. To open Great
Expectations is to enter a world in which events are often caught only out of
the corner of the narrator's eye. It is a world of hints and glimpses, of
bodies disappearing behind corners and leaving only their shadows behind.
Whichever of Dickens's two endings is chosen, it's hard to finish the last page
without thinking of how much remains to be said. Of course, none of this
occurred to me when I first read Great Expectations as a child. In the 1980s
this story of class mobility and get-rich-quick ambition resonated with all the
force of a modern parable. The revelation that there was another story behind
the one I was enjoying was as much a shock to me as it is to Pip, but that only
increased my admiration for a novelist who treats his plot rather as Jaggers
treats Miss Havisham in her wheelchair, using one hand to push her ahead while
putting "the other in his trousers-pocket as if the pocket were full of
suspect that's one reason why Great Expectations is such a popular novel. Readers
grow up with it. It's probably also why so many of them sympathise with Pip,
whose narrative voice involves the perspective of a wide-eyed child coming up
against that of his wiser, sadder adult self. Anyone who first reads the story
as a child and returns to it in later years is likely to feel a similar mixture
of nostalgia and relief. But it isn't only individual readers who have grown up
with Great Expectations. Our culture has too. Dickens once claimed that David
Copperfield was his "favourite child" and that Great Expectations was
a close second. It's no coincidence that both novels are about how easily
children can be warped or damaged, but of the two it is the shorter, sharper
Great Expectations that has aged better.
works of fiction have enjoyed such a lively creative aftermath. Peter Carey has
rewritten it in Jack Maggs. Television shows from The Twilight Zone to South
Park have echoed it in ways that range from loving homage to finger-poking
parody. Even the title has settled in the public consciousness, with shops such
as "Grape Expectations" (wine) and "Baked Expectations"
(cakes). It's hard not to be fond of a novel that so perfectly reflects its
author's restless, rummaging imagination.
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