The battle of books (1704), a prose satire by Jonathan Swift written in 1697 when he was residing with Sir W. Temple, and published in 1704.
The battle of books is a simple mock-heroic account of a
battle among the books resting in the king’s library at St. James Palace. The battle
itself is a satirical allegory on an intellectual debate that had been ranging
in England since 1692, sometimes called the battle of the Ancients and the
Moderns. In theory, the battle concerned the relative value of the intellectual
accomplishment of antiquity, as compared to the “progress” that had been made
in many fields of human knowledge since the Renaissance.
The ‘Battle’ originates from a request by the moderns that
the ancients shall evaluate the higher of the two peaks of Parnassus which they
have hitherto occupied, the books that are advocates of the moderns take up the
matter, but before the actual encounter, a dispute arises between a spider
living in the corner of the library and a bee that has got entangled in the
spider’s web.
Aesop sumps up the dispute: the spider is like the moderns who
spin their scholastic lore out of their own entrails; the bee is like the
ancients who go to nature for their honey. Aesop’s commentary rouses the books
to fury and they join the battle. The ancients, under the patronage of Pallas
are led by Homer, Pindar, Euclid, Aristotle, and Plato, with Sir W. Temple
commanding the allies, the moderns by Milton, Dryden, Descartes, Hobbes, Bacon
and others with the support of Momus and the malignant deity, criticism. The fight
is conducted with great spirit. Aristotle aims an arrow at Bacon but it hits
Descartes, Homer overthrows Gondibert. Virgil encounters his translator Dryden.
On the whole, the ancients have the advantage, but a parley ensues and tale
leaves the issue undecided.
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