Sunday, 29 November 2015

Mending Wall

-Robert Frost

Mending Wall is one of Frost's popular poems. There are two farmers in the poem - the old farmer arguing for the retention of a fence and the other young farmer wanting to pull it down.

The old farmer's arguments

There is an old farmer who says that walls are necessary. His point is that the fence will demarcate accurately his farm from his neighbour's. There will not be any room for misunderstanding. He says repeatedly that 'good fences make good neighbour's. He is very conventional. He wants to mend the broken wall between the two farms.

The young farmer's arguments

The young farmer holds very progressive views. He says that something in nature

My Last Duchess

-Robert Browning

My Last Duchess is a brilliant dramatic Romance. In the poem Browning creates the character of a cold-hearted Renaissance aristocrat of refined tastes who reports that his first wife did not measure up to his standards.

The Duke's character :

The Duke begins by posing as a lover of art. He shows the messenger the picture of his wife's face. It has been painted on the wall by the famous painter, Fra Pandolf Pandolf spent a whole day, trying to reproduce

Lead, Kindly Light!

-Cardinal Newman


In this hymn, ‘Lead, Kindly Light!' Cardinal Newman appeals to God to show him light, and guide him in the right direction.

Newman's appeal to God .

The poet pleads to God to reveal his kindly light so that he could come out of the present darkness, that is his despair in life. The poet discloses to God that he has left his home (a reference to Heaven or Roman Catholic Church). Only God could help him in finding his way back home. The poet now needs God's support and enlightenment. To step into the unknown future the divine light is essential.

The poet's past and the present :

The poet confesses his present crucial condition to God and seeks his help to come out from it. He has not prayed to Him and sought His help before.



Introduction :

O.Henry's short stories are known for their wit, word play, warm characterization and clever twist Viding. The present story 'Springtime' is a fine example of all these.

Sarah and her freelance typewriting work :

Sarah was a young woman residing in a separate room in New York city. She was a freelance typewriter doing some odd jobs. She could type any matter in a neat and perfect manner.

Science and Culture

-Laurence McKinley


Laurence M.Gould was an American geologist educator. He has written a number of scientific articles. In the essay 'Science And Culture' Laurence stresses the need for a unified humanist education.

Man's dependence upon Science and Technology

Modern life is completely dependent upon science and technology. Science and its products determine economy. It is science that dominates our industry, affects our health and welfare and changes our relations with other countries. The modern society is confident that science and technology can take care of all human needs.

The dispute between Science and Humanities.

During Greek civilization there was unity between art and science. Philosophy and science remained inseparable until the

Three Days to See

-Helen Keller

Introduction :

Helen Keller who lost her eye-sight and became deaf at in her early childhood, did not lose heart. By her severe perseverance she achieved everything that even what a normal person could not. Her intellect and insight is fully evident in this article.

Keller's way of understanding life :

Helen Keller wishes all people to lose their eye sight and hearing ability atleast for a few days. Only then, darkness would make them appreciative of sight; silence would teach the joys of sound. She finds fault with normal people that refuse to notice hundreds of around them. As a blind person herself, she has learnt know more things by her sense of touch. Her heart often cries out with longing to see all things in the world.

Helen Keller's wish for Three days Eye-sight:

Helen Keller imagines what she should most

Tight Corners

E.V. Lucas


In the essay 'Tight Corners' E.V. Lucas points out that tight corners can be both mental as well as physical but the mental tight corner is too much to bear.

The Narrator's Tight Corner :